Original illustration with ink and markers digitally adjusted to create a collection of 10 color variants 36 degrees apart. The intention of this collection is to expand love through the world for all those who need it and reflect on the 360 degree reach of love. As the drop ripples outward you have the ability to change and influence the world with every breath.
This is a showcase of thought and an archive of art/design from the SIXHALF CREW–exploring the world of DESIGNERTAINMENT. Absolute control of maximillism, dynamic inference beyond the visual spectrum, thought and emotion, synaptic gaps and superposition collapse are a few of the things the we do on the regular. Break something down fine enough it becomes pure synthesized fantastic, spark and you have action. Consider the insanity of reality and make your mark on history, anything is possible.
This documentation of a drawing by D.RUSH to the tune of DJ Rob Rage.